

The monthly outreach staff conducts visits to

remote areas
on the Big Island,
O’ahu, and Maui

to identify and assist homeless children living in
extreme poverty.

They provide essential living supplies, including
sleeping bags, pillows, tarps for shelter, tents,
cooking equipment, food, and other emergency
necessities to support these vulnerable children.

to identify and assist homeless children living in extreme poverty.

They provide essential living supplies, including sleeping bags, pillows, tarps for shelter, tents, cooking equipment, food, and other emergency necessities to support these vulnerable children.

Program Mission

Providing essential supplies not only fosters the health and
confidence of this keiki but also empowers them to focus
on their personal growth and development.

Our holistic programs aim to

build trust, instill self-worth, and equip them with crucial life and social skills through these monthly care packages.